Why Dental Hygiene is Important For Pets

Why Dental Hygiene Is Important for Pets

Your pet's dental hygiene is more important than you may think. While we all want our pets' teeth to be strong and bright and free of odors, proper care may be essential for your pet’s overall well-being as well. At Baseline Animal Hospital, Boarding, and Grooming in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, we might be asked about whether or not good dental hygiene for pets is really all that necessary. Our answer is always a resounding yes.

The Dangers of Poor Pet Dental Health

Our pets suffer from dental disease similar to the way humans do. They can develop cavities, broken teeth, root damage, and extreme pain from lack of dental care.

Symptoms of dental issues in pets can include drooling, swelling, bleeding, and lack of appetite. If your pet is not eating, he isn't getting proper nutrients and can develop malnutrition. Additionally, if left untreated, periodontal disease can worsen and cause infection or abscess. The bacteria from these infections can then enter the bloodstream and cause serious blood disorders and damage to the vital organs. This can eventually lead to death.

Pet Dental Care

Luckily, these problems can be avoided with annual veterinary dental visits. A vet on our team will inspect your pet's teeth to check for problems that need attention. We may also conduct a thorough cleaning of the teeth to help ensure all the tartar is scraped away both above and below the gum line.

During this time, your pet will be put under anesthesia to prevent injury and ensure comfort. The vet may also take care of any other issues, like loose or chipped teeth.

In between dental exams, you can help keep your pets' teeth healthy by brushing them a few times a week with pet toothpaste and providing them with dental chews and toys.

Get Veterinary Care and Pet Dental Care from a Veterinarian Near You

If you're looking for a veterinarian near you in Rancho Cucamonga, CA, give us a call. Our compassionate staff at Baseline Animal Hospital, Boarding, and Grooming are committed to providing your pet with the care he needs. Call us at (909) 987-4788 for veterinary care and pet dental care from a veterinarian near you.

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